Home » Michael Thomas Wolfinger's Research

At the intersection of synthetic biology and computational RNA science, my research uncovers the complex relationship between RNA structure and function. Among my long-term research priorities is the study of RNA viruses, where I investigate how evolutionary pressures shape RNA structures, and how these structural changes impact virus behavior and pathogenicity. By understanding these principles, we gain valuable insight into the biological mechanisms that drive virus evolution and emergence. This foundational knowledge not only advances our understanding of pathogens but also enables the de-novo design of innovative biological systems, such as artificial riboswitches, designed for precise molecular control.

Key Research Interests

Collaborative Impact

Successful research is built on the strength of a talented team, and my group's diverse skills are at the core of our progress. In addition to our internal work, I partner with a broad network of international collaborators and leading institutions, advancing knowledge in RNA bioinformatics, structural biology, and medical research to address critical global health challenges.