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RNA-Protein Complex Refinement using AI Modeling and Docking

This study presents an efficient technique for refining protein-RNA complexes using AI-based modeling and flexible docking. The method, utilizing parallel cascade selection molecular dynamics (PaCS-MD), accelerates conformational sampling of flexible RNA regions and produces high-quality complex models. Experimental validation demonstrates its superiority over template-based modeling, suggesting its potential for constructing complexes with non-canonical RNA-protein interactions.

Posted by Michael T. Wolfinger on . updated

RNA–RNA interaction analysis of Japanese encephalitis virus

Unraveling the intricate RNA-RNA interactions in Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) opens new possibilities for understanding viral replication and designing antiviral therapeutics, as our recent study reveals the importance of a conserved cyclization sequence in driving these interactions

Posted by Michael T. Wolfinger on . updated

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