Showing only posts tagged One Health. Show all posts.

The pivotal role of virus bioinformatics in global health

On One Health Day, we recognize the intricate links between human, animal, and environmental health, underscored by the emergence of novel viruses like SARS-CoV-2. This post, crafted for a lay audience, delves into the critical contributions of virus bioinformatics in understanding and combating infectious diseases. It emphasizes the importance of predicting RNA structures for understanding RNA viruses and discusses the role of genomic epidemiology in tracking viral spread and evolution

RNA structure conservation and molecular epidemiology of TBEV

In this paper, we study the molecular epidemiology and RNA structureome diversity of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). Moreover, we propose a unified picture of pervasive non-coding RNA structure conservation across all known TBEV subtypes

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